Why we practice Yoga. In a few words…
Yoga has been a transformative practice in my life, leading to significant internal and external growth. Although I engage in various disciplines, my consistent dedication to yoga has profoundly impacted both my mental, physical and spiritual well-being.
Capturing the essence of yoga in words is challenging, but at the heart of Hatha Yoga lies the focus on purifying the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Through asana practice, we cultivate a free-flowing body that helps us manage mental issues related to pain and discomfort. Once we purify the physical body through various practices (which will be discussed later), we can delve into deeper states of meditation. Meditation then allows us to uncover and address blocks and patterns that may be hindering our progress in various areas of our lives, as well as aid in our spitiual growth. Together, these practices help us connect with the subtle states of the self or the “Universal One.”
Consistent practice enables us to gradually purify and lighten our bodies, minds, and hearts. While yoga indeed makes us stronger and more flexible, its deeper purpose is to help us navigate and transform life’s sufferings —whether they are traffic jams, breakups, or losses. Through practice, we become more adaptable and less burdened by these events. My teacher stated that you know the practice is working when you are able to tolerate the intolerable! Of course, the journey of practice is not always linear, but with respect and dedication, we can achieve our goals with greater ease….
This is a brief overview of the vast benefits of yoga, but if you’re interested in exploring more, join me for practice on Wednesdays at 5:45 PM at Kapiolani Park. Here, we will not only practice asana but also explore other yogic practices, including mudra, japa (mantra recitation), dhyana (concentration), and dharana (meditation).
To close, the next time you practice yoga, consider not only how it improves your physical fitness but also how it helps you engage with the world in a more loving and respectful way.